Mobile Network Analytic Platform (mNAP)

Mobile Network Analytic Platform is a software product designed for mobile network operators. The operator is in real time able to analyse its network, behaviour of customers and take immediate action based on the current situation. 

It processes metadata about text and voice messages and data connections. mNAP works independently of the radio network types (from 2G to 5G networks), operator's inner networks or the producer of the network's devices. 

mNAP includes 4 moduls:


Networks Operation

Customer's Behaviour

Event API



xDR secures the transformation and the conversion of binary data flows from the network devices to text data – readable events on networks (for example it converts ASN1 protocol to JSON files).

Date; Time; Event Type; MSISDN; VPN; IMEI; Duration; Locality; Performance; Closing Time; Relation; NULL; ...

Date; Time; App; PortApp; IPCust; IPDest; SrcPort; DstPor; Start; Stop; Duration; ByteUp; ByteDn; nPacketUp; ...

Date; Time; Event Type; MSISDN; VPN; Duration; Locality; Performance; Closing Time; Relation; NULL; ...

Date; Time; MCC; MSISDN; Network; Locality; IMSI, IMEI Performance; Closing Time; Relation


Networks operation

The module secures event analysis on networks and the evaluation against anticipated or desired values. These values are set up in KPI (key index) and their limits are constantly watched. Typical events include the call setup success (CSSR), the proportion of calls not properly terminated (DCR) or the speed of data transfer per individual device. 

Based on the evaluation of these events the operator can react on the incurred situation and identify the causes for variations from desired levels of network operations. 


Customer's behaviour

By analysing the behaviour of customers it is possible to identify events, which are usable in relation to the customer. The operator is able to better understand a specific customer and can provide more suitable services, additional products or better target marketing campaigns.


Event API

The module is a technical component aimed at distributing events observed on networks or reaching monitored indices or KPIs. 

Event API distributes data to informational systems of the network operator or to external systems (e.g. to the customer).